Welcome to the 64th edition of the Lifestyle Carnival! Submit your blog article to the next edition using our carnival submission form at Blogger Carnivals. Thanks for tuning in. There are some great reads listed below.
Alexis @ FITnancials writes Moving To Chicago – Recently I visited my mother in Chicago, and she brought up the idea of me going to school there and living with her. The idea instantly got me excited, but the situation is much more trickier than that.
Lorillia | Your Money Mentor @ Your Money Mentor writes My Money Adventures in Denver Colorado – My experience traveling to the Mile High City of Denver Colorado. I got a chance to visit the US Mint and Federal Reserve of Denver Colorado.
MARTIN @ Don’t Throw Away Money writes Don’t Make Matters Worse When Struggling With Debt – Debt is something that most must deal with at some point in our lives- how the situation is handled is what makes the difference
Kathleen O’Malley @ Frugal Portland writes Going on a Road Trip using AirBnB – We are using AirBnB for the first time. It is a great way to save money in a few ways.
Little House @ Little House in the Valley writes Don’t Feed the Critters – Overall, relaxing for a few days in the wilderness was terrific. I hope to go one more time before the end of summer, but we’ll have to see how our schedule works out.
Harry Campbell @ Your PF Pro writes What’s the Best Day of the Week to Quit Your Job? – If you haven’t heard by now, I quit my job! My fiancee and I are moving and I did not want to make the hour plus commute so I gave my notice about a month ago. My last day was last Tuesday and so far being unemployed has been pretty awesome. Eventually I’m going to get back to my day job but for now I’m happy working online and living life. A lot of my co-workers thought it strange that I quit on a Tuesday but there was a method to my madness.
Pauline @ Reach Financial Independence writes Bang for your buck, Italy edition – Another installment of my travel tips to help you stretch those hard earned dollars, today we are off to Italy!
Simon @ Airline Miles Experts writes Why You Should Travel To The Non-Continental United States – Instead of visiting a state that could be reached by car or bus, consider expanding your sights and focusing on one of the two beautiful non-continental states.
Simon @ Modest Money writes Get There Sooner: Travel Saving Tips – Work hard. Save smart. Take a Holiday. Saving on travel makes it possible to enjoy a week away without worrying about what will happen to your bank account in the process. Learn how to take your dream holiday sooner with these money-saving tips.
Tommy Douglas @ Getting Fit As A Baby Boomer Over 50 writes Considering Starting The Paleo Diet? – Thе actual foods eaten on the Paleo diet аrе essential for success. Learn how you can make this part of your diet.
John @ Ourinsurancecanada.com writes How Do You Know If You Need More Health Insurance? – Health insurance is something that everyone needs, unless they have endless amounts of money and can afford to pay medical expenses out of pocket. Some people have it but never have to use it, some people don’t have it and absolutely need it.
Jon Haver @ Pay My Student Loans writes When Do College Graduates Need Life Insurance? – When it comes to life insurance, there are two different types of policies available. A term life policy is one that is put into place for a specific amount of time. Although the premiums are typically lower than those of a whole life policy, there is no cash-out advantage; it is only payable upon the death of the policy holder.
Christopher @ This That and The MBA writes Why Life Insurance Matters – It helps to pay for funeral costs – when someone dies, one of the first things their family does is to arrange burial or cremation and a ceremony to help celebrate their life. While arranging a funeral is very important, it can also be expensive, with a number of family members and close friends of the deceased chipping in.
Christopher @ Carpal Tunnel HQ writes Surgical Carpal Tunnel Treatment Options – Understand that Surgical Treatment is a last resort, but has a track record for providing significant relief in 85 – 95% of all cases. As with all surgeries there will be risks, so be informed about your options when speaking to your physician.
Brock Kernin @ Clever Dude writes How Much Does a Ride Wristband Save You At The County Fair? – It’s fair season and that means carnival rides. Does it really save you money to buy that wristband?
Travis Pizel @ Enemy Of Debt writes The Return Of The 100 Foot Water Slide – Want a way to have inexpensive wet and wild fun this summer? Check out this 130 foot water slide!
Michelle @ Diversified Finances writes Disadvantages/Negatives of Working From Home – Last week, I talked about how I’m super excited to start working from home, and all of the positives that go along with it (such as no pants and making your own schedule, haha). However, there are some disadvantages and I would like to talk about them.
Evan @ My Journey To Millions writes Do You Have a Right to Choose Your Child’s Degree or Major? – I tweeted a picture of my son taking pictures. Which made me ask this: can a parent who is paying for college choose a degree or major?
Buck Inspire @ Buck Inspire writes Forced Out Of My Comfort Zone – I’ve been primarily in server management throughout my IT career. Recently, I vowed to expand my skills into networking.
Monica Iannacone @ Monica On Money writes How to Payoff Your Mortgage ASAP! – After becoming debt-free, my current financial goal is to payoff my mortgage early. Here’s how I’m doing it
FI Pilgrim @ FI Journey writes The True Impact Of Lifestyle Choices – Over the next few days I kept thinking about the word lifestyle and the far-reaching impact that it has on our lives (and finances).
Holly Johnson @ Club Thrifty writes Club Thrifty Fall Financial Lockdown – Spending has been getting a little crazy in the Club Thrifty household lately. As a result, we have put ourselves on FALL FINANCIAL LOCKDOWN.
Barbara Friedberg @ Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance writes Learn To Build Wealth In 15 Minutes A Day – Build wealth fast with a step by step money management program.
Abu @ Insurance Bangladesh Agent writes Insurance Bangladesh – Insurance Bangladesh company agent (IBCA) is an agent company which is helping the Bangladeshi people for getting insurance policy from the Bangladeshi insurance companies. We are assisting you to become a policy holder of any Bangladeshi insurance company. 12353852-house-insurance-and-home-owner-protection-from-mortgage-interest-rates-by-refinancing-a-payment-of-l There are two types of Insurance Companies in Bangladesh – Life Insurance Company & General Insurance Company. If you
THE BOSS @ Like A Boss Blog writes 5 Items to Buy Pre Owned – The feeling of buying something new is always fun however, sometimes it can be better to go for used items instead. Check out the 5 items that you may not necessarily need to buy brand new.
GD @ MLIQ123 writes Top Life Insurance Companies – Picking the right insurance policy for your family’s needs is just as important as choosing the best life insurance company who offers you good customer service. Between life insurance company ratings from A.M. Best and JD Power, one of which focuses on financial strength and the latter on customer satisfaction, here is a list of the top providers in the industry and what factors you should consider when picking your provider.
DPF @ Digital Personal Finance writes Important Expenses for Which We Need to Save – There are many long-term expenses for which we need to save. This includes some that are quite apparent, and others that probably deserve more attention.
MMD @ My Money Design writes Motivation In the Workplace and My Thoughts on Mind Control – Motivation in the workplace has gone from the desire to do your best into a simple will of survival. And worst of all: We let ourselves be hypnotized into this form of mind control. This post will explore why we let this happen.
MMD @ IRA vs 401k Central writes A Strategy for Getting the Most From Both a Roth IRA vs 401k – Some people just want to know – between a Roth IRA vs 401k, which one should I start off with in order to maximize my potential? The answer – BOTH! This post will show you how.
DW @ Great Passive Income Ideas writes I Want To Make Money on the Side – What Are Some Ways To Do So? – If you’re saying I want to make money on the side but don’t know how, then you should know there are a lot of easy things you can start doing now that work. Here are my tips for ways to accomplish that.
Mr FD @ Financial Debauchery writes How Much Is Gold Worth? More Than What a Dealer Will Give You! – It’s a really good idea to find out how much is gold worth before you’re about to go sell it to one those cheesy We Buy Gold places. Read on and have a better experience than I did.
Matt Becker @ Mom and Dad Money writes Is Peer-to-Peer Lending the Next Big Thing? – Peer-to-peer lending is pretty big in the world of personal finance right now. There are a lot of people talking excitedly about the great investment returns they’ve made recently, and of course this has only drummed up interest from others on how to get involved. This is typical of any new investment that’s seen some success, but does it mean that it’s a good thing to get involved with? Today I’d like to share some of my thoughts on peer-to-peer lending and how it might fit into an investment p
Claire Murdough @ ReadyForZero Blog writes Talkin Bout Your Generation: Baby Boomers – Each week we’re analyzing the specific challenges of each generation and how they can be overcome to reach financial success. Read this post to learn more about the Baby Boomers!
Grand Per Month @ Grand Per Month writes Make a Grand Per Month Selling Chocolate – If you’re looking for a way to make a grand per month, selling chocolate might just be a sweet way to help you do so.
Pauline @ Make Money Your Way writes Graduate College Debt Free – This post will show you how to Graduate College Debt Free
Glen @ Monster Piggy Bank @ Monster Piggy Bank writes How to Save Money for a House – Learn about the common things you need to look for when saving money for a house.
Paul @ The Frugal Toad @ The Frugal Toad writes 5 Things Everyone Should Know About Loans – Sooner or later in life, everyone is going to need to borrow money. It happens, either because you’re making an investment in a residence, going to college, or buying another big-ticket item. There are many types of loans to choose from, all with different interest rates and grace periods. Before you jump into the first loan you can find, you should do some research and know what you’re getting into. In fact, here are five things you need to know before you think about taking out a new loan.
John S @ Frugal Rules writes When Should You Start Saving for Retirement? – Saving for retirement can be challenging for many. There are many excuses to use from not having enough money to it being too far away. However, by starting to save for retirement earlier rather than later, regardless of the amount, you put yourself in the best position possible.
Odysseas @ Card Hub writes Can You Buy with a Credit Card & Return for Cash? – Your credit card company paid the merchant when you made your purchase, so should presumably be able to settle up with your card issuer while recouping your expense in cash – but here are a few reasons why cash returns for credit card transactions aren’t permitted.
Sonia @ Wallet Hub writes 2013 Checking Account Transparency Report – There are over 100 million checking accounts in the US and close to nine out of ten households have an existing one. Checking accounts are among the most basic and critical of financial service tools, allowing consumers to manage their monthly finanaces. That’s why having access to and understanding the costs associated with checking accounts is essential for consumers.
Bryan @ Gajizmo writes Best Time To Buy Everything – Need a new car, appliance, grill, suit, boat, wedding dress, camera, cell phone, television, luggage, laptop, mattress, or power tool? Check out our comprehensive guide on the best time of year to buy anything and everything you need. By planning ahead and knowing when stores are pushing out old stock for new releases, you can enjoy huge discounts on big ticket items. Check out this list detailing what to buy each month and let us know how much you save.
AB @ Aspiring Blogger writes Your Job is Trying To Kill You! – I know life can be rough sometimes, but did you realize that your job could be trying to kill you? Now you have another reason to become financially independent!
Jon Rhodes @ Bitched Up writes Top Signs You Are Getting Too old – Here are some amusing but true signs that you are starting to get old. Armed with this knowledge you can do something about it.
Anton Ivanov @ Dreams Cash True writes An Introduction to Peer to Peer Lending – Peer to peer lending has been gaining popularity as an alternative investment and a way to diversify. Learn the basics of P2P lending.
Jessica Moorhouse @ Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses writes Would You Sacrifice Your Relationships to Be Rich? – Some people will do anything for the almighty dollar, even sell stories about their family to the press to make a quick buck. But what’s the point in having boatloads of cash if you had to sacrifice all of your relationships to get it?
Michael @ Financial Ramblings writes How Much Money to Be Wealthy? – At what point do people start to feel wealthy? Well, it seems that it’s not so much about having a certain dollar amount. Rather, people don’t start feeling wealthy until they stop having “financial constraints” on their activities. But how much money does it take to reach that point?
Tushar @ Finance TUBE writes What Are The 6 Best Investment Options of 2013? – Every investor is looking for the advice on the next big money maker. Smart investors are the ones who develop their own systems for determining which the best ways to remit their money are.
CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes Small Business Saving: How To Save Your Business Money – Running a small business and finding success? Great! Now you need to save your business money. Read here to learn how.
Mrs. PoP @ Planting Our Pennies writes Pimp The PoP’s Garage – Part 1 Planning – The PoPs are starting their biggest DIY project in quite some time – a remodel of the garage. Check out the planning stage and see the “before” panorama.
Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes Tips for Beginner Gardeners – Here’s what I’d suggest you do if you are a beginner gardener and don’t know where to start:
Tamar @ DeviledEggs101.com writes Easy Deviled Eggs – An easy deviled eggs recipe may be perfect for the upcoming Labor Day weekend. Try this simple and tasty recipe as is, or feel free to add your own ingredients and garnishes.
Mr.CBB @ Canadian Budget Binder writes Crockpot Turkey Meatballs In A Honey BBQ Sauce – Drenched in a honey bbq sauce these crockpot turkey meatballs would be a hit for any party or meal throughout the week. If want something easy to make and that won’t break the bank make this turkey meatball recipe and you’ll see how fast they disappear.