Submitted by Betsy Muse on Wed, 03/20/2013 – 11:55
ConsumerFu is joining the Yakezie Challenge as part of our commitment to bring our readers the most accurate information in personal finance news. As a member of this challenge group we commit to write at least 3 times each week and to work with our fellow Yakezie Challenge members to promote high quality, factually correct articles and blog posts. During the six month challenge period we will work to grow our site to an Alexa ranking above 200k.
The Yakezie Challenge was started by Sam Dogen from the Financial Samurai blog. After completing the challenge, bloggers are included in an influential network of financial writers and site owners who are dedicated to helping others better their financial lives.
We started in December of 2009, and have since grown to become a thriving community eager to help others and help each other. We strive to optimize reader’s personal finances and allow people to lead better lives.
We are doctors, lawyers, consultants, bankers, techies, entrepreneurs, mothers, and fathers. We even have a Georgia State Senator as a long time member in Dr. Dean Burke. We all have a passion for writing and understand that power of social media and the web.
What this means to our readers is that we are making our commitment to you a little more formal and a little more public. It won’t change our goal to deliver accurate information to help you spend and save wisely. We’ll just be bringing a few friends along for the journey.