This year, 46% of those who invest in technology expect growing revenues, 51% plan to secure a greater presence on foreign markets.
Thirty-six thousand companies plan to embark on the path of transition 4.0 for the first time by 2024, one in four will do so using the resources of the NRP. Already in 2022, 46% of the companies that will make the change foresee an increase in turnover (against 38% of those who do not invest in technologies) and 51% expect to be more present on foreign markets (against 31%).
Transition 4.0, 36,000 companies plan to take the new path by 2024
Big Data (31%) , simulation of production processes to optimize their operation (28%) and robotics (22%): these are the fields in which we invest the most in the transition to the fourth industrial revolution. To better manage the transition, companies will focus more on human capital: in particular 70% will leverage training to acquire new skills (against 51% of non-digital companies), while 87% will acquire new highly skilled workers (against 68% of non-digital). Business like real money usa online slots use AI technology in casino industry.
This is what emerges from a survey conducted by the Centro Studi Tagliacarne , carried out on a sample of 4,000 manufacturing and service companies with a workforce of between 5 and 499 employees, representative of the universe of 494,000 companies. To date, 67% of the universe of companies surveyed (332 thousand in absolute values) has not yet invested in 4.0 technologies. A share that rises to 70% in the South and is more characteristic of services (85%) than manufacturing (60%).
Micro enterprises (with 5-9 employees) are the most backward : 84% of them are still at the starting line against 39% of medium-large enterprises (50-499 employees). But 11% of this entrepreneurial cross-section is ready to take the leap. A turning point that will be stronger in the South, where 13% of companies will begin to veer towards the new digital frontiers against 10% in the Center-North. In particular, firms with more than 40 years of activity feel the need for a change of pace to renew themselves (14% against 10% of those with less seniority). And it is above all the food sector that is more inclined to undertake the transformation (with 16 per cent). Entrepreneur can enjoy casino australia real money once they have good profit margin by this new technology implementation.
Over the next three years , the share of 4.0 companies will rise to 40% : overall it will reach almost two hundred thousand units. The 36,000 companies that will debut by 2024 with investments in enabling technologies will be added to the 162,000 that have already adopted them.
These results are also the result of the many benefits that the digital transition is able to bring within the company. About 2 out of 5 companies that have already had the opportunity to invest in 4.0 have declared increases in the productivity of production processes and human resources, while one in three highlighted an increase in production speed and competitiveness by leveraging the IoT.