Does it pay to enter sweepstakes?

Fri, 08/09/2013 – 08:43


Does it pay to enter sweepstakes?


There was a point in time where I spent a chuck of my morning sitting at the computer, finding sweepstakes to enter. I never won anything, so I eventually gave up. There are so many rules to read through and some scams out there that you’d want to avoid. I especially entered bridal giveaways when I was planning my wedding, but again, no wins. I once entered a drawing at a fair to win a cruise courtesy of this travel agency. I got a voicemail saying my name was chosen, but when I called back the lady said I’d have to come to some informational meeting and somehow got on the topic that it may still cost me $800. I wonder if everyone who entered was a “winner”. With that said, has anybody won any sweepstakes? I know the magazine companies are always having them. How much time do you put into entering?